Every experience God gives us, every person that He puts into our lives, is the perfect preparation for a future only He can see.
- Corrie Ten Boom

Friday, August 24, 2012


Have you ever been asked to join something you didn't think that you wanted to, only to find out that it made a profound, positive change in your life? Have you ever said yes to doing something, without even thinking about it? I have. Over 20 years ago, I said, "yes" to going to camp, the night before I was to leave. I didn't think about it, not even for a second, I was asked and before I knew what I was saying the word had left my mouth. Little did I know that that week I would join together not only with people of my own age and denomination for a week, but a much greater body that spans the world and time itself. I joined with the Body of Christ, not just for a week, but for my lifetime. God changed my heart, my mind, and gave me something more to live for, something more to be. For that I am ever thankful.


  1. I love that! How God takes a hold of our minds and we don't analyze or process we just do! {For an analytical person like myself, I can TRULY appreciate that!!} What a beautiful journey of discovering Him!

  2. That's so cool! It's amazing what we join in with -- and how much it changes us for the better. Blogging has done that for me. :)

  3. Yes, I have had that experience! I joined this group on a whim - without allowing myself to take time to think it through. It just felt good and so I leaped. Thanks for sharing your experience.
