Every experience God gives us, every person that He puts into our lives, is the perfect preparation for a future only He can see.
- Corrie Ten Boom

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Muddled Mind Musings

If I had written this earlier today, I would have written solely about how sad I was that no one posted anything in response to my wall post on Wednesday on facebook about how it was 19 years ago that I accepted Christ and invited anyone who had seen God work in or through me in the past 19 years to share an example. And it does sadden me, it makes me question my effectiveness at being the salt and light that I am called to be. I know that I have affected the Kingdom, both for good and not so good, in the past 19 years. When I am obedient, when I am allowing God to work through me I do well and I know that there are times when I haven't done that. There are times that I have had to repent from, that I have failed to do what God was calling me to do. While all of us could say that, it doesn't excuse it in any way. That doesn't mean that I (or you) should continually beat ourselves up for it, but that it should spur us on to make those time fewer and farther apart.

But, it is late in the day, and there is another thing on my mind now. The Children's Pastor at my new church is leaving very shortly. This is something that I have thought about doing in the past, but never had the opportunity to pursue. I have done all sorts of children's ministry on a volunteer basis for the past 14 years including: Sunday school, Children's Church and VBS, both teaching and more behind the scenes as well as assistant director (VBS), director (Children's Church) and assistant superintendent (Sunday School). I also have a degree in Elementary Education from a Christian College. The question (for me) is am I called? Is God calling me to this work or is it a just another job that I am fairly qualified for? The work is far too important for me to do without a calling, I fully recognize this. My faith is too solidified to allow me to do this against God's will, so I am now trying to discern whether this IS God's will for me. Whether He brought us to Topeka and the current Children's Pastor to Indiana for just this reason, because HE wanted ME in this position, or not. It's kind of scary, in a way, and an exciting prospect at the same time. Prayers, and thoughts, are definitely appreciated.

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